Things I like about this movie:
- A muted color palette. I'm always a fan of a limited use of color. And in this movie it works especially well to accentuate the vibrancy of food (or, the joys of our individual passions and aspirations, as symbolized by the food).
- Synesthetic rats. I'm not sure of synesthetic is the correct form of the word synesthesia (my computer is indicating to me that it's not even a word) but I'm talking about Remi's on screen description of what food tastes like. Let's face it, it's not quite possible to accurately depict what food tastes like without stuffing it in your face and digesting it, so the implementation of sounds and colors to describe flavors is pretty creative stuff. Kudos Pixar.
- "Anyone can cook." I love this saying. It's obviously applicable to more than just cooking and I follow this basic philosophy all the time with my pursuits in art. I'm a pretty big advocate of the concept that "anyone can draw." All it takes is the desire to do so. I get crazy peeved when I tell people I'm an illustration student and their response is "That's so cool! I can't even draw stick figures!" Or even worse: "I wish I could draw!" First off, yes, it is crazy cool that I'm an illustration major because I love what I'm studying. Secondly, don't write off stick figures as the lowest form of drawing there is, because it isn't. I start all of my figure drawings with a stick figure and we go over them a lot in my figure drawing classes. And finally, YOU AREN'T DEAD! You can learn how to draw! It's not some magical ability that has only been endowed upon the select few and all you other losers have to suck it. Drawing is a motor skill, just like writing. If you can learn to write you can learn to draw. The big distinction is WANTING to learn how to draw. Please stop telling me "I wish I could draw" and start making honest statements about how you aren't interested in investing the time it would take to learn a craft. There's no shame in that. Not all things have to appeal to all people. I hate math. I've never been interested in investing the time to become proficient in the field of algebra. You don't hear me whining about it or saying ridiculous things like "I wish I knew advanced calculus!" Gross. The very idea!
Now that we're feeling all warm and sappy here are the things I don't like about this movie:
- The short film "Your Friend the Rat." This is my only real issue with this movie and it's not even a real issue. I only have a complaint about it because currently there is a mouse that has decided to take up residence in my apartment. And hearing "interesting" facts about how high rats can jump and how their teeth are strong enough to gnaw through steel does not help me sleep at night. Granted, I know that I am cohabiting with a mouse and not a rat, they still come from the same rodent family and therefore have similar abilities. Stupid creepy little buggers with their nasty diseases and icky little tails.
Until next time.
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