Recently I got bored, and like most people of my generation that means I spent too much time bumming around facebook. In the process of said bumming I came across a note I had written five(ish) years ago (remember when people would actually write notes on fb? I guess all those people decided to just dump their longer thoughts onto something else; like a blog or something.) This particular note was one of those where you have to write 25 random things about yourself and then tag 50 people in the comments and those 50 people also have to write 25 random things about themselves and tag 50 other people or else they'll die of scurvy in the next week. Well, I'm happy to say I'm still alive and relatively scurvy free so I must have accomplished my random list effectively.
Well, it's been five(ish) years since last I composed a random list so I figured I'd go ahead and create a new one just for funsies.
1. I think it's the rudest thing in the world to not accept a compliment. I'm talking about when someone comes up to you and says "You look really nice today." And instead of saying "Thank you" like you should, you say something like "I look awful!" A compliment is a gift just as much as a plate of cookies is. If someone came up to you and gave you a plate of cookies would you grind them into the ground and say "I hate cookies!" Well, when I compliment someone and they deflect it it's just the same to me as giving them cookies and watching them stomp all over my gift. Seriously guys, swallow whatever insecurities stop you from accepting a compliment and say "Thank you." You'll feel better for doing so.
2. My favorite color is Poppy Red because my favorite flowers are poppies and my favorite color was red so when I discovered there was an official color that combined these two wonderful things I concluded that was my new favorite color,
3. I have three sisters. This is more for those people who don't know me super well. When talking about any of my sisters to someone else I have a tendency to refer to her as "my sister." I've discovered that people come to the conclusion that I have one sister who has three kids, just had a baby, has gone on a mission to both Ireland and Missouri, is 10 years older than me, graduated in cinematography, is a vegetarian, and lives with me. It gets confusing I'm sure.
4. I also have a brother!
5. I often shout "AMERICA!" when I'm excited or as a replacement word for "Hurray!" I don't know why I started doing this but it feels appropriate every time I do it. You should try it sometime, you'll find it works well for any celebratory occasion.
6. I get more excited for Guy Fawkes Day, Valentines Day, and my Birthday than I do for Independence Day or Christmas. Big holidays have always felt like something I'm obligated to make a big deal over because someone else told me it's a big deal and not because I decided it was myself.
7. I'm not a fan of wedding rings. I don't get why girls go crazy over them. This is kind of like #6 where it feels like someone else decided a diamond should be important and therefore I'm obligated to have one. However, I mostly don't like them due to my wonderful Grandma. You see, when my Grandparents got engaged my Grandpa said he could either buy my Grandma a wedding ring or they could make a trip out to SLC and get married in the temple. My Grandma chose the temple because she was an amazing woman. Besides, I don't want anyone getting in debt for a rock and some gold just to impress me and our neighbors. I'd rather spend the money on a honeymoon in Europe.
8. I hate being lied to more than anything. I especially dislike the notion of being lied to in order to "spare my feelings." Is there anyone out there who would prefer a lie so they can feel better? Personally, I've never met one.
9. I can't stand secrets/surprises. Secrets are just a special form of lying to me so they tend to drive me crazy....I get really bent out of shape about them. Surprises give me anxiety. This is why it doesn't bother me when someone tells me how a story ends. In fact, I have often read the end of a book before beginning it. That way I can just read the book without stressing out about how everything works out in the end. I even made a friend of mine tell me if Batman lives or dies when The Dark Knight Rises came out so I could watch the movie without the risk of an ulcer. The only exceptions I've had to this rule thus far was when I finished the Wheel of Time series (because I'd been waiting 10 years to finish those blasted books and I wanted to find out the end for myself!) and the end of the third season of Downton Abbey.
10. The Orem Public Library is my happy place. More specifically the Story Telling wing of the library where they have that absolutely beautiful puppet theater is my happy place. I go there all the time to look at picture books and have some quite time. Basically any day that has the library in it is a good day.
11. I am almost positive that the show Gravity Falls is based on Rhinelander, WI. Or at least the northwoods of Wisconsin. For anyone who has been there I dare you to watch that show and not see the resemblance.
12. Summer is my least favorite season. It's long and hot and gets boring super quick. Also, since it's apparently impossible for me to go to school during the Summer I always get nervous that I'm losing my skills as an artist or something because I'm not as actively working on projects as I probably should be.
13. I love me a good cardigan. This love feeds pretty heavily into why I don't like Summer; I've never been one to let the weather dictate what I'm going to wear. So yes, I have gone out in 100 degree heat wearing a cardigan over a shirt over an undershirt. I usually end up taking a leisurely walk to the library like this. It's probably not the wisest thing to do but I never regret the decision because I love cardigans that much.
14. I hate onions.
15. I'm like a 60 year old woman when it comes to technology. I'm not completely against it but it can take me years to finally decide that some new technology isn't a terrible idea. I just barely got a new phone this last month after having my old one for 5 years because I finally saw a reason to have a smart phone.
16. I can easily sleep 12 hours a day and I don't consider it a wasted day if I do sleep for that long.
17. The only time I ever feel like it's appropriate to listen to the music from Phantom of the Opera or Les Miserables is during a long road trip.
18. In any wedding dream I've ever had I never actually meet the groom but I always know he's blond.
19. The number 19 always brings to mind Stephen King's Dark Tower series and the song "Commodore" by Jazzberry Ram; which is a band very few people have ever heard of.
20. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21 and on my mission. No, I am not ashamed of this fact.
21. When someone asks me "How are you?" I usually answer with something like "Amazing!" or "Swell!" I started doing this because I always feel sorry for the cashiers at the grocery store who's work just seems so monotonous. So I when I was a teenager I started answering their "how are yous" with an energetic and unique expression. They always seem so much happier during our brief encounter that now I do it with everyone.
22. When I complement someone I try to put it in a unique manner so they know I've been thinking about it and can understand it's sincere. An example of this would be something like "You look like a tropical sunset on the island of Paradise." Instead of just saying "You look nice today."
23. I keep three sketchbooks in my livingroom, 1-2 in my purse (depending on the time of year), and at least one big one in my car.
24. I think red and grey is one stellar color combination.
25. I have never read Harry Potter but I did promise a friend I would read the series before I die so it's on the to-do list.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
My Top 5 Animation Icons (Television Edition)
Hey all! So I've been trying to write another Disney animation post but it was more or less turning into a rant about how I don't like pets (because I REALLY don't like them); I watched The Aristocats and that movie just makes me boil over with animal loathing. I've hit a point in my list of movies where I don't have much to say about them. So I thought I'd take a break from Disney to talk about my other heros of animation specifically in the fine world of television cartoons.
So here they are, in no particular order, my top 5 animation icons (T.V category):
Craig McCracken

This man basically animated my childhood. In my opinion he can do nothing wrong. Here is the creator of both The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Not to mention all the work he did on Dexter's Labratory. He has a new show premiering on the Disney Channel next week (that's July 19th...mark it down on your calendars, it will be epic) called Wander Over Yonder. I have been enthusiastically looking forward to this show since last Summer when it was officially announced.
I love Craig's (that's right we're on a first name basis) work for two big reasons and lots of smaller reasons. Reason number uno: such fantastic, clean, line work. Simple, flat shapes, round edges and bright colors. This guy just knows how to make things look good. Reason number two: he does not patronize children by over explaining, dumbing things down, or resorting to gimmicks like toilet humor in order to entertain. He goes straight to the essence of childhood - having fun, friendship, and family. Also, he has an entire episode of the Powerpuff Girls that's about the Beatles; as in every line in the episode is a quote from a Beatles song. Does it get much better than that?
I also feel like if I'm going to put Craig on this list I have to give a special shout out to his wife, Lauren Faust. I'm not familiar enough with her personal work to officially give her her own little blurb but I think she's awesome. She did work extensively on both the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's. She's also the creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as well as the Super Best Friends Forever shorts. SBFF is enough for me to think she's amazing. Go watch them, they are spectacular. It will seriously be 5 minutes well spent. SBFF!
Mike DiMartino/Brian Konietzko
Everyone knows these guys as the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Both of these shows are so fabulous that I can forgive whatever work they did on Family Guy. The thought and care that they put into their craft is so refreshing. Everything looks so clean and well made it makes me feel all twitterpatted to look at it! They tackle some hefty ideas simply and straightforwardly. Adults sometimes have the idea that children can't handle hard topics (myself included) but these shows seem to bring up all of them from not fitting in, love, death, loss, dealing with family troubles. It also shows that children can be empowered and rise above their circumstances to make the world a better place.
Also, I'm pretty much addicted to Mr. DiMartino's blog. I have a lot of respect for him simply due to the insights that he shares. I often feel that his ideas need to further permeate throughout the rest of the entertainment industry....ESPECIALLY his thoughts on violence and how it should be used in story telling. Go read it, you won't regret it.
the best blog you will ever read
Pendelton Ward
This guy created Adventure Time and I know there's a lot of haters out there hatin' on this show because it's just "too weird" but I think this show is MATHEMATICAL! Like McCracken's work, this show is polished and uses such fantastic colors. The art in this baby is just soothing to look at and SO creative! The plot is also deceptively complex. At first it seems like it's just about a kid and his pet dog and the crazy stuff they do but the more you watch the show the more you learn that the story actually takes place on a post-apocalyptic earth. And if you think Avatar tackles deep topics, that's nothing compared to what Adventure Time gets into. They talk about everything from loneliness, identity, Alzheimer's, religion, modern medicine vs. alternative medicine, geek culture, love....this list could get pretty extensive so I'll end it there. That's one great thing about this show, the premise is so convoluted that it really allows for open discussion on any topic.
Although I will relent and say that occasionally this show is too weird to sit through. But ONLY occasionally.

ShinichirÅ Watanabe
Ok, so I do occasionally watch anime. I don't like to bring that up in every conversation because there is a stereotype with anime watchers that they're all crazy maniacs who will watch anything coming out of Japan because they have Japan-envy. I am not one of those people. I consider anime to be another form of animated entertainment and therefore treat it as such. Just like the American cartoons I watch I'm very particular about what anime I'll watch. I won't watch anything that goes on indefinitely (i.e. Naruto, DargonBall Z, Pokemon) and I can't handle when there's too much explanation as to what's going on in the plot (shows like Fullmetal Alchemist do this). That's where Mr. Watanabe comes into play. This is the guy behind such amazing shows as Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.
I'm a super big fan of Cowboy Bebop. It is the only anime show I own (and by that I mean my sister owns it and I watch it). It has some amazing sequences throughout the show and the music is fabulous but what really makes this show something is the plot and the character development. I like that the plot isn't over explained but the audience is allowed to figure out the character's back stories and piece together everything by themselves. And the ending....oh boy! Well done!

And there's my list! An honorable mention goes to Alex Hirsch for creating Gravity Falls. That show is HILARIOUS!
So here they are, in no particular order, my top 5 animation icons (T.V category):
Craig McCracken

This man basically animated my childhood. In my opinion he can do nothing wrong. Here is the creator of both The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Not to mention all the work he did on Dexter's Labratory. He has a new show premiering on the Disney Channel next week (that's July 19th...mark it down on your calendars, it will be epic) called Wander Over Yonder. I have been enthusiastically looking forward to this show since last Summer when it was officially announced.
I love Craig's (that's right we're on a first name basis) work for two big reasons and lots of smaller reasons. Reason number uno: such fantastic, clean, line work. Simple, flat shapes, round edges and bright colors. This guy just knows how to make things look good. Reason number two: he does not patronize children by over explaining, dumbing things down, or resorting to gimmicks like toilet humor in order to entertain. He goes straight to the essence of childhood - having fun, friendship, and family. Also, he has an entire episode of the Powerpuff Girls that's about the Beatles; as in every line in the episode is a quote from a Beatles song. Does it get much better than that?
I also feel like if I'm going to put Craig on this list I have to give a special shout out to his wife, Lauren Faust. I'm not familiar enough with her personal work to officially give her her own little blurb but I think she's awesome. She did work extensively on both the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's. She's also the creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as well as the Super Best Friends Forever shorts. SBFF is enough for me to think she's amazing. Go watch them, they are spectacular. It will seriously be 5 minutes well spent. SBFF!
Mike DiMartino/Brian Konietzko
Everyone knows these guys as the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Both of these shows are so fabulous that I can forgive whatever work they did on Family Guy. The thought and care that they put into their craft is so refreshing. Everything looks so clean and well made it makes me feel all twitterpatted to look at it! They tackle some hefty ideas simply and straightforwardly. Adults sometimes have the idea that children can't handle hard topics (myself included) but these shows seem to bring up all of them from not fitting in, love, death, loss, dealing with family troubles. It also shows that children can be empowered and rise above their circumstances to make the world a better place.
Also, I'm pretty much addicted to Mr. DiMartino's blog. I have a lot of respect for him simply due to the insights that he shares. I often feel that his ideas need to further permeate throughout the rest of the entertainment industry....ESPECIALLY his thoughts on violence and how it should be used in story telling. Go read it, you won't regret it.
the best blog you will ever read
Pendelton Ward
This guy created Adventure Time and I know there's a lot of haters out there hatin' on this show because it's just "too weird" but I think this show is MATHEMATICAL! Like McCracken's work, this show is polished and uses such fantastic colors. The art in this baby is just soothing to look at and SO creative! The plot is also deceptively complex. At first it seems like it's just about a kid and his pet dog and the crazy stuff they do but the more you watch the show the more you learn that the story actually takes place on a post-apocalyptic earth. And if you think Avatar tackles deep topics, that's nothing compared to what Adventure Time gets into. They talk about everything from loneliness, identity, Alzheimer's, religion, modern medicine vs. alternative medicine, geek culture, love....this list could get pretty extensive so I'll end it there. That's one great thing about this show, the premise is so convoluted that it really allows for open discussion on any topic.
Although I will relent and say that occasionally this show is too weird to sit through. But ONLY occasionally.

ShinichirÅ Watanabe
Ok, so I do occasionally watch anime. I don't like to bring that up in every conversation because there is a stereotype with anime watchers that they're all crazy maniacs who will watch anything coming out of Japan because they have Japan-envy. I am not one of those people. I consider anime to be another form of animated entertainment and therefore treat it as such. Just like the American cartoons I watch I'm very particular about what anime I'll watch. I won't watch anything that goes on indefinitely (i.e. Naruto, DargonBall Z, Pokemon) and I can't handle when there's too much explanation as to what's going on in the plot (shows like Fullmetal Alchemist do this). That's where Mr. Watanabe comes into play. This is the guy behind such amazing shows as Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.
I'm a super big fan of Cowboy Bebop. It is the only anime show I own (and by that I mean my sister owns it and I watch it). It has some amazing sequences throughout the show and the music is fabulous but what really makes this show something is the plot and the character development. I like that the plot isn't over explained but the audience is allowed to figure out the character's back stories and piece together everything by themselves. And the ending....oh boy! Well done!

And there's my list! An honorable mention goes to Alex Hirsch for creating Gravity Falls. That show is HILARIOUS!
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