So I have one more week of school until finals are upon me and an obscene amount of things that I need to be working on. I'm near the point of a nervous break down thinking about all the projects that are piling up on me. Of course this means I'm distracting myself with my blog. HURRAY FOR PROCRASTINATION!
Do you know what I love about Cinderella? This flick is so clean! It is fresh, sharp, and simply designed. It is like taking a drink of cool, crisp water after attempting to swallow molasses ..I don't know why I'm attempting to drink molasses in this explanation but whatever. What I'm trying to say is after watching 6 movies that feel half done and sloppy it is so refreshing to watch a bit of animation that obviously took a lot of time and careful designing in order to create. Gee whiz guys it's just pretty!
Just look at this:

Clean, simple shapes and a simple color pallet.
Also this:

Warm, light background with a cool and darker foreground make the two central characters pop out.
Every scene of this movie is so simple in it's design as well. There is no clutter; anything unnecessary to the plot is eliminated from the scenery.
Also, I'd like to give a shout out to Dior and his New Look which made Cinderella's dress possible.

This movie fits so well into the feeling of America during the 1950's. After emerging from World War II the nation was optimistic about the future. The world was viewed through rose colored glasses. The story of Cinderella reflects that so well: A poor orphaned girl (America) who has been abused for most of her life (World War II) keeps a positive outlook on life and eventually all her dreams come true (the American Dream: hard work will get you what you want in life).
Does anyone else think that Cinderella looks like someone Coby Whitmore or Jon Whitcomb would illustrate?
Now that I've talked about how great this movie is here are my beefs with this movie (it's ok, this list is relatively short):
Those mice are so obnoxious. They get Cinderella into more trouble than they're worth.
In the original movie Cinderella's hair is actually strawberry blonde but at any Disney theme park or in any Cinderella Birthday card or children's book she is platinum blonde. What's up with that Disney? Speaking of which, Cinderella's ball gown is NOT blue and white! It's actually silvery-white. Come on ya'll get it right!
People often like to point out that the original fairy tale version of Cinderella is a lot more graphic and sinister than what Disney made....this is actually pointed out about many of Disney's takes on fairy tales. I would like to take this moment to point out that Disney borrowed from the Charles Perrault version of this story and that the only difference between his version and Disney's is that in Perrault's the father is still alive. It's not very graphic and the only sinister stuff is the abuse suffered by our heroine (although I'm not down playing the wickedness of child abuse, that is pretty sinister stuff as it is).
I also feel the need to advocate that everyone who reads this blog takes the time to watch Cinderella III: A Twist in Time. I don't regularly endorse sequels of this nature but Cinderella III is HILARIOUS! Do not watch Cinderella II because it is stupid. Watch Cinderella III. Here's a little taste of the hilarity you will encounter as you watch it: